Western Influences: Real Estate

East or west, but west affects east at its best. From the British rule to the western influence debate in 19th century till the recent sub prime crisis; the west has been contagious to the east. Sub Prime Crisis was surely a hallmark of the poor savers and magnificent but unrealistic spenders of the West in the Real estate. In my mind I always contest about the situation clone in the East. Today, the world is of uncertain employment which calls for forced nuclear families due to relocation requisite. With the collateral exponential inflation of the real estate prices in such economic scenarios what could be the only relief and rescue from this fear… To me it appears to be only the genetically transferred sensibility towards the value of money and the wisdom for its usage…
Else, with the mushrooming urbanization and consistent constructions theoretically leave no room for the real estate prices to loiter in the sky but to actually be restored to rationally correct ones

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