Why Marry ??? Finally the conflicting thoughts got me the answer.. !!

I remember a dialogue from some movie- “girls are like buses, they come an go… but of all those buses, there is only one which takes u back home”

Relationships are like home.. mother, father, brother, sister, form a person’s lifelong home. So why I’m I connecting it all to marriage….

Off late a conflicting thought occurred to my mind.. especially given today’s next gen ways of life …

people date unnumbered times and then make pick for a compatible soul mate . But once they choose one.. they go blind for others, for a girl, guys other than her beloved turns a “another guy” and not the ‘guy next door’ no matter how charming he seems or is.. same follows for men .. (talking of ideal situations 😉 )  Thus, marriage, which people say is a commitment, and which indeed is a commitment, actually is just a disciplinarian.. It teaches you to discipline yourself!

However, if one chooses to stay free, or had marriage or any such commitment not served the purpose.. what difference would have it made…

You could still be open to options, you could still explore, choose more further, but then … ’till when’ – that becomes questionable!!!

Hence, goes the old school thought – ” too much of anything is bad” even freedom..!!

Life is not lived alone, marriage is not a restriction but just a disciplinarian, it is like a home..

where you come back after a hard, or a good or bad  day at of your life;

a place where u feel like getting back to after a enjoyable vacation;

like simple food, which you long to savor even after relishing the best spreads in the best best of the hotels

it is where you can be you, in totality, completely unmasked..

And nonetheless, your partner is your true best friend, the only relationship but one the most beautiful one, which you get to choose in life!

So cherish it, rather than cribbing on seeing someone’s else home’s and gardens of life.. coz the grass is always greener on the other side..!! 🙂






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Its Proven! Opposites Do attract!!

Everything in the world has two sides
Yin Yan
Good Bad
Angel Evil
Lucky unlucky
Positive and Negative!

A Sincere person, gets to grow only when its Time !
But a laid back jack, always has the time of his life!

The Corrupt, keeps getting rich and is never caught
The Honest one is always ditched and slaught

A hard worker keeps slogging
But a hardly working worker enjoys partying

The Cruel wear the crown
The Kind wear a Smile for all, but to themselves they frown

The honest is mostly guilty of any self discovery
Whereas the, Guilty never goes through such inner self misery!

What a world the God has created!!
Where Goodness is Cheated
And the Cunning are treated!

The only condolence that exists my dear
is of life after death and its related fears!
But thinking about the same, a thought crosses my mind..
Life does not exist when we are dead but while we’re alive!

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I’m stupid common individual.. so why burden me???

I’m not a doctor, I’m not a CA, I’m not a Politician,
I am a average common man, so why are there expectations out of me?
Unnumbered celebrities are minting money,
so why am I treated like a bee who is left with no honey?
I cannot afford a BMW or SUV, so why are you hiking petrol and making driving a vehicle out of my reach?
I’m an average man with an average brain so why am I being forced to think so frequently?
I’m not a super human, so couldn’t score high, but why am I cut off from the admissions because of cutoffs so high
There is a quota for minorities, there’s no need for quota for the biggies
But I’m just a common man who are found in majority, and yet I’m denied admissions and jobs if I do not have any USP
India is evolving as a super power, but it is all at the cost of taxes which ‘I’ a common man pays
Taxes for income, for entertainment, for food and for beverages separately, for clothes, for home for everything, May be for oxygen in future but Services…..
I still do not get clean water, surfaced roads, convenience of public transport not even Security… and I thought I’m found in majority
The agony has never been addressed, the above wasn’t less that the government has now attacked health
One person, one problem, one doctor but medicine prescriptions….. three!!!
I’m not well, and visiting a doctor is not my will, but I cannot pop a pill without paying a doctors forced consultation bill..
Who says majority wins… In India, it only relies on the governments fancies and whims..
Hindustaan hindustaan rahe to accha hoga.. hindustaan hindustaan rahe to accha hoga
Dilon ka gulistaan rahe to accha hoga..
Khafa hota ja rahun main aam aadmi.. Khafa hota ja rahun main aam aadmi
Taktbeerein ab kuch ache ke hi liye ho jayein to accah hoga
Kyonki agar aazmaya ab humari chuppi ko aur..
to maaf kariyega huzoor, sambhal jayiye, warna kuch…… Acha Nahi hoga!!!

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Limited Edition: Tragedy of a marriagable age

A phase of life, a time to hide
from every nook and corner you try to slide

first time ever you feel best to look worse
fail the acceptability test, it really works
not attract attention rather be absent at all
that’s what you feel good about and have a ball

‘the’ behavior and wish is not always approved
and when you enter a place full of people you always get the look
“she’s thier daughter?, umm- what does she do?”
“she’s fair and nice, is she ready to be a bride?”
Ladies and men keep passing their comments
followed by their most innovative bids

“Our son is doctor, we need nothing but your daughter”
“My son is earns xyz, and what else does today’s girl need”

Its not easy for the guys either,
It’s a sign that their chilled out bachelorhood is round the corner to wither

you feel like you’re an auctioable piece
the sale is limited and the deal must freeze
if time goes by and you lose your taker
you go obselete and everyone points you their finger

Mummy and daddy show their acting skills
Their stress levels rise so high that they need to take pills

emotional atyachaar crosses all high statistical bars
and the question is always there on the radar

On succumbing, the tragedy ends with a smile
Its a way life teases you once in a while! 🙂 😉

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God’s favorite child

Lets discuss something weird something wild
– That who’s gods favorite child??
Is it the one who’s tender and mild
And when falls into trouble..
I suddenly blessed with a helping hand too kind?!?

Or is it the one who is chosen of all
To help each one of those, who in problems do fall!?!?

It’s a common notion that everyone has loads of chores
Its pervasive that problems are many and each is like a unique lock
But the key is only one, like an apt solution that unlocks

Rocks are many but diamonds are rare
Questions are many, but answers unaware
Disturbed are many, but helpers hardly bare

God is our parent
And we’re his children
Who’s his favorite why take this thought as a burden

We’re are all equal in his eyes
Hence no question of partiality lies

Yes, some show troubles
And some blow them up like bubbles

But that’s the balancing act
It’s an art of God to keep us together intact!!!

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To those who taught me it all…

It’s strange how all of us get instantly so attached to a young child
For he may scream and shout
Or cry out loud
But his expressions always end up bringing a smile

We’re never offended or irritated with what these toddlers do
But on similar lines, if an aged behaves most of us upright veto
They say with age, The adult grows younger
Its true but we yet never treat them as a child
Give it a thought don’t start to wonder!

They are ones whom, we have irritated to the core
But they always loved us and never appeared to be bored
I’m not singling myself out of this creed
I too haven’t treated youger turning adults as a child, I agree!

However, like all those learning lessons that life teaches you
I too learn this one off late
Like a child, every old person too only seeks love as a rebate

So stretch your hands out to hug them
Your shoulder to support them
your smile to show you love them
and for sure your time to relieve them !!!!

P.S. I sincerely apologize to all those people out there, young and old whom I might any how expressed that I don’t care; I want you to know my expression is poor but I’ll always be there around for sure!!

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Desire to be accepted v/s Desire to accept

Emotions gushing within me
Worst is to control what I really wanna be

Life is like a coin each side flipside
So is my desire
One leads me to the path of acceptance by others
But it still feels like being a bird without feathers
But the ultimate crave of truly being oneself is not acceptable to the world
& the world can’t be ignored for it’s the only habitat so what if it’s weird

I’m not a saint neither want to be, all I wish is to break free
Free from all those eyes staring at me
From all those fingers pointing me
From all those people who show their back
And from all those grapevines which loiter and never wrap

I love my folks & also all those whom I know
But since the ultimate desire is out of the boundaries of fulfillment
All I wish to seek is peace
Of my mind and of all, who are mine

Desires are like fire they burn they douse
And turn into ash which then never arouse
Patience is the key and that’s all need
I’m holding on to it I know it will help me set free of all my anxiety!!!

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The mind says yes or says no
but the heart is foolish and always say’s don’t know
Stupid are the matters of the heart
as they always suggest things two poles apart

Imagine the world without a heart
it would have been a lot simpler and not so hard
Mind is practical and always right
it is the heart which creates the entire fight
We blame the mind for its not kind
but not the heart, when we know its blind

Mind is not the criminal, Heart is
think about it folks you’ll get the gist

Listen to your mind and not your heart
not to make things simpler which are hard
but to keep unnecessary complexities a way apart..

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Mood swings!!!!!

Happiness comes from small innocent moments. Yes, I have realized it long back, but every now and then we all get hints from the world around us that life is beautiful, always. If not for oneself, probably for someone else. If its universal to learn from not only our own but others vivid experiences then why not even live life and drive our moods in line with that of others.
Off late I had overall a horrible day, not to elaborate the series of instances but at the end someone made my day. I didn’t happen to meet, or talk but the eye somehow always catches what’s worth. Many people take a red signal at the traffic junction as- “ah missed it” even I do, at times especially if it is as long as 180 second! But of the entire day, those 180 seconds turned out to be the best of the lot and enough to pacify history.
I saw a young mother and a bubbly kid in a vehicle, the mother for a change was by the child’s shoulder to listen to all his day long stories. The child was enthusiastically narrating his tales and suddenly caught my eye, I was a moment to treasure. I felt fortunate to witness the innocence a mother and his child share, the most precious bond of life. Seeing the child being little hesitant on watching me watching him, I left the two off my eye and not invade the privacy, however, on the last 1o seconds as I switched the ignition for my car, I couldn’t stop looking back and there they were, my little angels of the day smiling at me and awaiting my glance to bid my good bye for the day!
I smiled and accelerated on wheels as if I had got wings to fly!
Take notice of what happens around you there is loads of stuff to cheer you up and make you feel special!

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Non Constitutional Authority : Sarkar Raj

Sarkar followed by sarkar raj were movies which touched the lives and heart of millions. Why?? because it showed how one person can make a difference for the betterment of the community without caring for one’s own progress. How can doing what is right gives a person confidence, strength and satisfaction. However, truth is stranger than fiction. Aman ki aasha- yet another budding ray of hope underwent a secret abortion with the abolition of the invites to the Pakistani players. And if a Civilian- who’s word matters and is heard by the nation at large, the bollywood baadshah throws light over this pressed issue has already been declared outcast for the country by the sarkar who no one has chosen.

This is no first instance of this forced surveillance by the orange rangers. Why is the Government so handicapped in front of these handful gangs. They say charity begins at home, even cleanliness begins at home and its our duty to clear our country of such parasites who just suck our blood and make us weak. Their presence is not required. Every, year on the republic day we flaunt the entire world with our security on each element of nature Navy- Sea, Army- Land, Airforce – Air but does it help. No! Mice like kasab come destruct and flee. But how to complain about the outsiders, when we only encourage them with setting examples of our inadequacies to fight our internal scandalous species. We only invite these alien criminals to hurt us and dig our graves.

If parallel governments can exist then can any one initiate to form one to checkmate the unwanted ans unelected kings. I hope we get to witness a positive answer soon..

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